Wine Wednesdays – 2013 Edmunds St. John North Canyon Road Syrah

We had the best time at The Debruce, the food was without a doubt, truly spectacular.  A highlight was pairing the 2013 North Canyon Road Syrah from Edmunds St. John with the beef course at dinner. I have a new appreciation for Syrah after our trip to the Northern Rhone back in June.  When done right, it can be such a great food wine. I…

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Travelogue – Weekend in the Catskills at The Debruce

This post is long overdue, but back in May, my man surprised me for my birthday with an overnight stay at The Debruce. We’re big fans of Foster Supply Co., we spent New Year’s Eve at The North Branch Inn, another one of their charming properties.  A visit to The Debruce had been on our list for quite some time as it’s the perfect foodie…

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Travelogue – A Night in Gevrey-Chambertain

We ended our Burgundy adventure with a night in Gevrey-Chambertain.  While I had gone as far north as Nuits-Saint-Georges when I visited Domaine Faiveley on my first trip to Burgundy, I had never been to the capital of Pinot Noir-dom:  Gevrey-Chambertain. We left Beaune and headed straight to Domaine Bertagna in nearby Vougeot for a tasting. Followed by perhaps the best lunch of our trip…

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Wine Wednesdays – Burgundy is for Wine Lovers….and Newly Engaged Lovers

Some of you may have seen my teaser at the end of my first post about our trip to Beaune.  It certainly was a memorable one, proving Burgundy is for lovers! After a leisurely morning wandering through Chassagne-Montrachet, we headed up to the Chevalier-Montrachet vineyard for a picnic.  While the thought did cross my mind that maybe I was going to get out of the…

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Travelogue – 2nd Time in Burgundy’s a Charm

From Arbois in the Jura, it’s a quick 1.5 hour drive to Beaune in the heart of Burgundy.  I first visited 4 years ago with my mom and absolutely fell in love with Beaune.  I was so excited to return with Jared.  We arrived early for Wednesday’s produce market then made our first stop for coffee at The Cook’s Atelier. All before our first tasting…

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Travelogue – Eating Comté and Drinking Trousseau in the Jura

I hope you enjoyed my Rhône Valley travelogue!  After 2 nights in the Northern Rhône, we headed north to the Jura to the charming town of Arbois.  We spent 3 nights in the gorgeous Closerie les Capucines, a renovated 17th century convent with the most amazing light-filled central courtyard and a lovely backyard pool and garden butting up to the river. We spent our mornings…

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Wine Wednesdays – Wine Tasting at M. Chapoutier

In our too short time in the Northern Rhône, we managed to cover quite a bit of ground and tasted some fabulous wines.  One of my favorite tasting experiences was at M. Chapoutier in Tain.  The Chapoutier family has been making wine for over 200 years.  They own 34 hectares in Hermitage and were the first owners; some of the vines are over 100 years…

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Travelogue – The Northern Rhône: Ampuis, Condrieu, Tournon-Sur-Rhone, Cornas

Hi wine-lovers, sorry for the silence.  I’ve enjoyed a summer full of travels and exciting life happenings, the time just seems to slip away faster and faster and here we are!  I’ve been sitting on these travelogue updates so stay tuned for a play by play of another wonderful tour through France. First up, the Northern Rhône, a region I honestly knew very little about. …

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Wine Wednesdays – Wine Tasting in the Jura, France

How was everyone’s summer??  I’m sorry for the silence!  I’ve been stockpiling some wonderful wine and travel updates that I’ll be sharing here soon.  First up:  my experience wine tasting in the Jura. I started my summer with an amazing trip to France; visiting the northern Rhône, the Jura, and Burgundy.  Our first day in Jura we visited Fumey Chatelain.  This region was entirely new…

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