Travelogue – Eating Comté and Drinking Trousseau in the Jura

I hope you enjoyed my Rhône Valley travelogue!  After 2 nights in the Northern Rhône, we headed north to the Jura to the charming town of Arbois.  We spent 3 nights in the gorgeous Closerie les Capucines, a renovated 17th century convent with the most amazing light-filled central courtyard and a lovely backyard pool and garden butting up to the river.

We spent our mornings visiting vineyards and tasting wine and then would return each afternoon for a dip and a nap by the pool, my kind of vacation!

Once again, this region was totally foreign to me along with the dominant grape varieties:  Trousseau, Ploussard, and Savagnin.

We tasted at Fumey Chatelain, Tissot, and Domaine de la Pinte.

And had some fabulous meals at Bistrot Le Pontarlier, Le Grapiot, Bistrot des Claquets, and La Balance (famous for chicken and morels cooked in Vin Jaune).  We had a not so great meal at Caveau d’Arbois, food was fine but the ambiance was seriously lacking and it was overpriced.

We visited several co-op dairies, sampling Comté, the famous local cheese.

And took day trips to Baume-les-Messieurs and Château-Chalon, two of the most beautiful villages in France.

This region was the perfect balance of food, wine, and relaxation.  Our days were filled but not in a stressful way, the wines were unique and delicious and the scenery was absolutely stunning.  I can’t wait to make a return visit!!

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