Wine Wednesdays – Red Hook Winery Visit

You might not think that we New Yorkers are lucky enough to have a winery in our own backyard, but thanks to the folks at Red Hook Winery, we certainly do!  Located in Red Hook, Brooklyn, the tasting room is easily accessible by the free Ikea ferry from Pier 11 in Manhattan making for the perfect little day trip.  
I recently made the trip on a sunny Saturday.  We started with a hearty lunch at Hometown BBQ to lay the foundation for the 40+ wines they make at Red Hook.  

That beef rib was no joke!
After lunch we walked down the pier to Red Hook.  The lovely Sandra set us up at a table by the window and got to pouring.  
Red Hook is all about showcasing New York wines.  Grapes are sourced from as many as 15 different New York vineyards and all wines are made right there in Brooklyn.  They partner with 2 prominent wine makers from Napa Valley, splitting each lot of wine to allow the wine maker to craft in his personal style.  Their two styles could not be more different, making it fun to compare and contrast the wines.
We tasted through so many wines, it’s hard to pick a favorite.  If you’re looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon and feel worlds away from the city, check out Red Hook Winery!
Tasting room is open daily from 11-5, no appointment necessary!  
Dozens of wines to choose from!

Great snack menu and cheese pairing options
After all that wine we needed to walk it off, walking all the way back to Manhattan over the Brooklyn Bridge.  A perfect day indeed.

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