Working backwards…Post Birthday-Birthday Celebrations!

So much has gone on in the past month I don’t even know where to start!  I think I’ll start with the most recent and go back from there.  This past weekend was my first weekend back in NY in almost a month, and I took full advantage.  The weather was amazing!!  My friends took the weekend to celebrate my birthday since I was in CA for the actual day.  Friday I thought I was meeting one friend for dinner, and turns out my cousin and another friend were surprise guests!  Saturday we brunched, and then walked around the city.  Saturday night we went to Cacky’s apt where I’m pretty sure we consumed more bottles of wine than there were people!  An amazing dance party ensued before we hit the town.  Sunday was spent lounging in Madison Sq. Park and then we finished the weekend with a leisurely dinner at the Spotted Pig.  Perfection!

The cuz and I getting our oysters on at Flex Muscles!
Oyster Shooters!
Multiple birthday candles, balloons, and one hysterical birthday card!
My fav
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