Christmas Highlights!

I’m back in NYC and Christmas feels like ages ago, but I wanted to post pics from the holidays!  We continued our tradition of Christmas Eve dinner at my grandma’s house-per usual the night ended with all 20+ of us wearing paper crowns and reading jokes from our holiday poppers!  Christmas day we headed to family friends for a marathon of eating/drinking.  I was in charge of the meal this year and had so much fun cooking in a big fancy kitchen!  We also experimented with fancy holiday cocktails, who knew bacon and rum went so well together??  Well who am I kidding, everything is better with bacon!
Christmas Eve at Grandma’s
A couple of years ago my mom forwent the real tree-I’m finally coming around to her vintage inspired Christmas
Remember my post on Ira Yeager at the Swanson Sip Shoppe?  Mom had her very own under the tree this year, and from Ira himself!
Candied bacon and pear cocktails!
My sparkle apron-made cooking even more fun!
My sous chef for the evening, and bartender!
Christmas feast!  Beef Wellington, Brussels sprouts with golden raisins and pecans, and truffle mac and cheese!
My first Cheesecake-total success!  I used this recipe but cut the salt in half, it was plenty salty!
Perfect end to a perfect night!

It’s sufficient to say that after all this eating I am detoxing in the month of January!  More pics to come of New Years celebrations and more time at home!

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