Holiday Festivities Continued and Merry Christmas!

Pics from the weekend’s round of parties and holiday cheer. I’m back in California for the holidays and couldn’t be happier! After one of the craziest weeks at work yet, it’s nice to be back with family and friends (in 60 degree weather!) I’m currently prepping our Christmas day dinner, more to come on that! Merry Christmas!!

“Merry Christmas” Ice Luge-so college!
I made these peppermint-chocolate cookies for my coworkers-there were a hit!
A holiday drink with a view at 230 Fifth
Birthday Celebrations at a crazy BYOB Indian restaurant
Samosas and Sophia bubbly
I’m pretty sure these lights are up year round but it sure was festive!
Christmas Martinis at Minetta Tavern-2nd annual cousin tradition!

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